Visualization: A Scientific Approach To Achieving Your Biggest Goals
And everything you need to know to produce real tangible results.
Visualization is a powerful tool that has been used by successful entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, actors, speakers and so many others to enhance their performance and hit more of their goals.
Though a lot of people use it, there are still a lot of people who don’t deliberately use Creative Visualization to picture what they want in life.
This is why I am writing this article, to increase the number of people taking advantage of this amazing resource they have access too:
Creative imagination.
In this article, we will cover three things:
1. The science of visualization, why & how it works.
2. The most effective way to do it.
3. How to use Creative Visualization to rewire your thoughts, shift your state, perform your best and accomplish more of your goals.
4. A special technique designed to maximize your results.
So, let’s get started!
The Science of Visualization & How It Works
The first reason visualization works is simply due to the fact that it creates new neural pathways — groups of cells that transmit information that create memories and learned behaviors.
Basically, neural pathways are the electrical charges in your brain that create your habitual behaviors and emotional responses.
How Neural Pathways Are Created
Neural pathways are created as you engage in new behaviors repeatedly.
For example, when you first start putting on your own shoes, you begin with one foot, and day by day you put that shoe on first.
Within time, usually 30–60 days, your brain would have been trained to create a new neural pathway to automatically put that shoe on first without you even thinking about it.
These clusters of cells cannot tell the difference between mental imagery and physical action.
Therefore, if you were to close your eyes and picture yourself playing the piano over and over again, you will train your brain to create more neural pathways.
Then you’ll find that when you sit in front of a physical piano you just seem to know how to play.
The Magnetic Power of Your Brain & Heart
Scientists have now fully confirmed that everything we can see and not see consists of an energy with two fields: electrical and magnetic.
This is electromagnetic energy, and it’s the basis of this physical world. It’s the basis of all reality.
Our thoughts themselves are neural electromagnetic impulses of energy, meaning they are magnetic in their very nature.
Nikola Tesla wrote, “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
This basically means: “My brain is magnetic, and it not only receives energy, but it transmits vibrations of energy.
This core from which receive and transmit is the unseen electromagnetic field.”
So with each thought, you have a direct effect on the electromagnetic charge around you — literally creating your reality.
But, it doesn’t stop there.
Our scientists have also built and are developing sensors to measure these magnetic fields around us, and have determined that the heart itself is up to a few hundred times stronger electrically, but up to 5000x times magnetically.
This means our feelings have a direct impact on the world around us.
During big world events, like earthquakes, wars, pandemics, and things alike our satellites pick up changes in the magnetic field of the earth.
Coincidence, right?
Wrong. There is a direct and very intimate connection between the world of our feelings and the magnetic field that is the basis of every atom in existence.
As Jane Roberts (Seth) writes in The Nature of Personal Reality,
“You are hardly at the mercy of a reality that exists apart from yourself, or is thrust upon you.”
You are so intimately connected with the physical events composing your life experience that often you cannot distinguish between the seemingly material occurrences and the thoughts, expectations, and desires that gave them birth.”
The external world we see is like the fog on a mirror from our breath. In other words, it’s not that you “attract” certain events, but the world just mirrors your internal world.
Therefore if you close your eyes and visualize yourself speaking on a stage with confidence, and feel the emotions you would feel if the event were to actually take place — you will inevitably find yourself speaking confidently on a stage in the physical world.
Not because you “attracted” the event, but rather because you created it in your electromagnetic field by making it real internally. The event is merely an after-effect, an expression of what was inside.
Make no mistakes, this is not mere philosophy or “new age” — this is the science of reality.
The Key To Making Visualization Work
Now that you understand the very real effect your thoughts and feelings have on the world that you experience externally, let’s discuss how to use this amazing realization to your advantage with Creative Visualization.
Many people report visualizing without getting any real result. If this happens, it’s simply due to one major thing:
It doesn’t feel real when you visualize it.
In The Power of Awareness, Neville Goddard writes,
“The time it takes your assumption (visualization) to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it.”
What he is saying is that if something doesn’t feel natural or normal to you, then you have yet to emotionalize the reality of the event.
It hasn’t registered in your nervous system yet.
Remember, your feelings have the biggest influence on the electromagnetic charges around you, your reality.
Therefore if you feel like the picture in your mind isn’t real, then that feeling will reflect in your external world.
Therefore, getting your feelings to realize the experience you are picturing is the key to creating it.
With that being said, let’s dive into the most important principles to remember when it comes to creating your own experience through visualization.
8 Success Principles of Visualization
1. Clarity — Have a clear mental image of what you want.
Clarity is important, when you have a clear picture of an event or goal you would like to accomplish it is much easier to make it feel real.
Fuzzy pictures can sometimes create fuzzy feelings, but no worries, if you have trouble visualizing and creating clear pictures in your mind — click below to listen to my podcast episode:
“5 Ways To Strengthen Your Visualization Muscle.”
Your mind is a goal-oriented machine, and the pictures you give it are the goals it sees.
Therefore when you create a picture in your mind, consciously or unconsciously, your mind automatically reorganizes its resources toward realizing that picture.
When you give your mind a clear image during visualization, it will accept the image and begin subconsciously working on ways to achieve the goal or realize the picture given.
2. Belief — Believe in the possibility of it happening.
It’s also important that you actually believe in the possibility of what you are picturing in the timeframe you give it (if you have one).
For example, if you visualize yourself making your first million in the next 30 days from a current income of $100k/year, how real would that actually feel?
Not so real, it’d probably feel silly and like a funny joke. This prevents you from normalizing the “beingness” of the picture, of the feeling of its reality.
Don’t limit your goals now, I’m just encouraging you not to set goals that you don’t feel are realistic.
3. Real Experience — The nervous system is the accelerator.
I’ve spoken a lot about the significance of emotionally feeling the reality of the event because it’s the most crucial element.
Another thing I want to touch on is the importance of physically feeling the event.
In order to create “stickiness” and really normalize the event, you want to stimulate your nervous system.
The best way to do that is to get all of your senses involved because when you do that you literally convince the brain that it is experiencing the picture you are imagining.
This is how you create brand new neural-pathways. Neurons cannot distinguish between mental pictures and physical experience.
In order to trigger your five senses, pay attention to the little details inside of your picture.
For example, if you are imagining yourself networking with other entrepreneurs confidently, then feel the pressure of your feet walking on the ground.
Feel yourself shaking somebody else’s hand.
Hear the sounds of the voices in the room, smell the smells in the room, see people’s mouths move as they talk, and taste the water you drink from the cup you are holding.
When you pay attention to these kinds of details you will see that your body naturally picks up the physical sensations without you trying.
This directly stimulates your nervous system, which will then normalize the feeling of it and automatically respond to it.
4. Ease — Less effort, less will, more results.
Our brains and bodies are like machines that run on automatic impulses from the data received by the sensory organs.
We don’t have to consciously engage every single muscle as we walk from one end of the room to the other. We just give our mind a clear picture and instruction: get to the other side of the room.
Then without you trying, your body automatically makes all of the necessary movements in the muscles and nerves and activates all of the right neurons to accomplish the goal of getting to the other side of the room.
Just like a machine. Once a goal has been programmed into it, it will automatically respond to accomplish the goal given it.
A computer keyboard is programmed to respond automatically when you press it, instantly and effortlessly creating every pixel in the letter you are pressing. You don’t have to do anything but give the computer a clear goal and instructions.
Our brains are the same.
When we give it a clear goal or picture, it takes that as an instruction and will work on its own to find the most practical means to accomplish it and carry out each task necessary.
Have fun with your visualizations, do them in a relaxed state, and don’t be rigid with your planning in terms of how.
Make plans, but be flexible and open to other means of realizing what you want when they appear.
Follow the “hunches” that pop up, this is your automatic genius responding properly towards accomplishing the goal.
5. Childlike wonder — a complete absence of judgment.
This goes along with #4, but this aspect is so important that I felt it was necessary to give it more attention.
Approach visualization with the mentality of a child.
Have fun with it, and explore it with a playful and faithful attitude.
Just like a five-year-old boy who dresses up as batman for Halloween.
To everybody else, he may be a normal kid, but to him, he is really the Batman.
There is no question in his mind about it.
This level of playfulness and faith in an idea will lead to the emotional realization of the picture you are visualizing.
Approach it with an attitude that failure is impossible, and allow yourself to do it for 21 days straight without judgment. Give yourself a chance to experience the reality of this powerful tool.
6. Recall and revisit previous successes.
At first, I wasn’t going to include this one, but I realized it truly is a staple to successful visualization.
Since I’ve discussed the significance of your emotional state during the actual visualization process, I want to take the time to tell you an effective tool to easily emotionalize the event.
One of the leaders of this idea was Maxwell Moltz, the author of Psycho Cybernetics.
He would have his patients and students recall and revisit past positive experiences to “stir up” the emotion of success, or a positive electromagnetic charge.
Since our emotions influence our external reality by influencing the electric and magnetic fields around us, it’s easy to see why stirring up, or creating positive emotions is a big part of successfully changing your reality.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to recall past successes, accomplishments, happy moments, courageous moments or any positive emotion like that.
Close your eyes and imagine the event happening all over again. Get all of your senses involved and make it as real as possible. Feel the same emotions from the event.
When you are feeling the positive emotions, you can then begin imagining a picture of a future desired event and easily “carry over” the positive feeling to the new image.
7. Consistency and repetition.
Just like in business, the consistent ones win. Just like in fitness, the consistent ones see results. Just like in anything, consistency forces things to happen.
Our brains create brand new neural pathways within 21–63 days, so if you continuously visualize a certain picture then you are training your brain to begin creating brand new neural pathways, shifting your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Therefore, it is important that you frequently revisit the same pictures during your visualization sessions until you realize them.
This gives your mind clarity and time to accept the image as true, when this happens, your “inner genius” will just carry everything out automatically.
When you constantly change the picture each visualization session then you aren’t giving your mind the time or clarity it needs to reorient its resources.
I recommend having no more than three pictures at any given time and be sure to give each picture sufficient focus each day.
For example, if you have three big core goals you want to achieve in the next 12 months, create three windows of time throughout the day so you can sit quietly and focus on the picture.
Maybe once in the morning, once mid-day, and once in bed at night: giving each session its own picture of focus. This is my personal practice.
8. Alpha state activation.
A big resource that many of us have but don’t deliberately use is the ability to slow our brain waves down into alpha brain waves.
This is powerful because alpha is where we seem to experience some of the best emotions, for example, you can’t feel guilty, shameful, doubtful, or angry in alpha.
Alpha is a calm and relaxed state of both mind and body, and it relaxes your conscious mind to the point where you are more receptive to new suggestions and ideas.
This makes it easier to “implant” certain ideas and suggestions into the subconscious mind, accelerating your results.
Here’s A Simple And Highly Effective Visualization Technique
Now that you know why visualization works, how it works and how to do it, you may be ready and excited to start visualizing!
If that’s the case, I thought I’d help you out with the exact visualization tool I use to land speaking gigs, enroll high-paying clients, communicate with confidence, and perform my best.
(IMPORTANT: It’s most effective when done first thing in the morning and (especially) as you go to sleep at night.)
For example, if you have a big talk at a conference coming up and you’re anxious about the whole thing despite being highly trained and experienced, then just do this:
Step 1: Lift your eyeballs up like you’re trying to look at the center of your forehead
Step 2: Keeping your eyeballs up, close your eyelids down until you feel a fluttering sensation. This is rapid eye movement, and it triggers alpha
brain waves (I’ll tell you why this is important later.)
Step 3: Maintaining this fluttering sensation, tilt your chin downwards as if you were looking down a flight of stairs.
Step 4: Visualize a set of 10 steps going downward.
Step 5: Walk down each step repeating:
“I’m taking step 10, and I’m going deeper. I’m taking step 9, going deeper. I’m taking step 8, going deeper…” all the way down to step one.
Step 6: At the bottom of the stairs tell yourself, “My eyes are glued shut and when I try to open them they will only feel more glued shut.”
You will find this to be your experience, it will literally feel like your eyes are glued shut (but trust me they’re not, this is just to test whether or not you are in alpha brain waves [or relaxed enough]).
When you validate this, you can then relax your eyes and know that you are in alpha, a powerful brainwave where you can consciously program your unconscious mind.
Step 7: Visualize a screen in front of you, a large one, but not big enough to take up your entire vision. Like a movie/projector screen.
Step 8: Recall a past positive experience, one that made you feel accomplished, happy, brave or excited.
Make it as real as you can, stir up the positive emotion from that experience and focus on it. You can even imagine yourself turning up a dial, telling yourself “I am getting more and more excited.”
Once you feel the emotions from that experience really “set in” — move to the next step.
Step 9: Throw the image of a future desired event on the screen. Begin putting it together piece by piece.
In our example: First, the stage, then the lights, then the colors, the crowd, and when you feel clear enough in the main environment, bring an image of yourself in the event.
At this point you can “step into” the screen and “become” the visualization I say. In other words, get your body involved.
Get every sense stimulated if you can.
Start with sound. What would you be hearing?
Then sight. What would you be seeing?
Then touch.
What would the position of your body be?
Then smell and taste.
When you can physically feel the visualization through your senses, get your emotions involved. How would this event make you FEEL?
Or how do you WANT to feel during this event?
Play this entire event out for 15–30 minutes, or until you feel complete.
I encourage you to spend time really exploring within the scene and getting it clearer and more real.
Step 10: Visualize the completion. In other words, what would you be doing AFTER the event that validated the fact that it was a success?
What would you be doing? Who would you be with? What would you say? Would you be celebrating?
Describe in detail what would be happening for you to know you successfully spoke on that stage (or your desired event).
Really get clear on what this after-the-fact the event will be (do this beforehand) and then spend some time observing that scene.
Step 11: Step OUT of the mental screen you were visualizing with and watch the event from a third-person view for an extra minute or two.
At this point, you can simply count back from 5 to one and say,
“On the count of 5 back down to one I will be energized and feel better and better.”
And begin counting and open your eyes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are doing this before bed, I recommend skipping the counting and drifting off to sleep WHILE you are visualizing.
For unknown reasons, this seems to be extremely powerful and effective at making not only your mind but BODY adjust to the event visualized as you go to bed.
Effectively making the event physically FEEL normal and safe.
The mind seems to work on the image all night, and literally creates different neural pathways that fire differently when you are engaging in the event.
If you’d like a guided version of the exact process I shared above, tap here to download it for free.