The Smart Way To Launch And Sell A Course (Without Wasting Time Or Money)

Don’t Build A Course Until You Read This.

Adrian Moreno
19 min readJan 13, 2023

If you want to build a course, then you must be aware of the trap that a lot of course creators fall into.

That is taking the time, energy, and money to build and market a course that nobody ever buys.

And a lot of the time the course is something that people would buy, but they have no idea how to market it effectively.

Whichever of the two buckets you fall in, this article will help you from testing a course idea, building it cheaply, and selling it with zero cost in marketing dollars.

You’ll learn how to save time and how to get the most out of the time you do invest — ensuring every move you make is going to bring real money into your bank account.

It’s not a hard thing to do either. You just have to be patient, observant, creative, and consistent in your efforts.

How To Not Waste A Bunch Of Time & Money Building A Course That Collects Dust

Building a course should not be an expense, it should be an investment.

I’ve worked on building programs that absolutely nobody bought before because I just thought “Oh yeah, people would find this valuable,” and would spend hours building it and put some money into it only to watch it flop.

Not only is it frustrating, but it can sometimes be embarrassing to experience a failure like that.

Fortunately for you, it doesn’t have to be that way. You just have to be smart.

There is a short framework that anybody can use to test the validity of an idea before you put time and money into it.

It’s simple and works.

Step 1 —Ask People

Shockingly, asking real people if they’d buy your course or do your thing is a very good way of seeing whether or not your time will be wasted.

Here are a few methods you can use.

  1. If you have a following on social media make a “Direct Ask” (don’t worry if you don’t there is still something for you)

For example, before I launched my Power Pitch Program where I show people how to get booked on podcasts every week without paying for PR I made this post on Facebook:

“🚨 ATTENTION: Coaches, course creators, and published authors 🚨

If I offered to teach you exactly how I land 4+ podcast bookings a week without paying for PR or guest slots…

- And land these podcast appearances with a SINGLE cold email.

- So good that I go from stranger to a resounding yes..removing the need to follow up.

- And then turn those podcast appearances into high-converting sales funnels

For only $47.

…Would you take me up on that offer?

I’ve personally used this to get booked on over 50 different shows in the past year that my audience listens to, and over 13 of those shows were top 1% (or higher) ranking shows.

These podcast appearances bring in highly qualified leads that already know, like, and trust me because of the show they just heard me on.

And I want to show you how to do the same.

If you’re in, drop an emoji below.”

I got over 20 responses, which to me was enough to move on to the next step, which I’ll show you in a second.

But first I want to just break down why that post worked.

It worked because it clearly communicated what my offer was and had a direct call to action to get feedback on whether or not the idea was worth pursuing.

It’s simple, all you have to do is follow this structure:

“If I (built a course) that helped you (achieve an outcome) without (pain), would you take me up on that offer?”

This is clear communication, you can’t go wrong here.

If you have any results with the process you want to teach, include them in the post as I did. Especially if you have results from other people who used the process.

You can do this through a Facebook post, Instagram post, story, email, SMS to customers, or any channel that your audience is on.

Make sure you ask them to do something specific as I asked my audience to drop an emoji in the comment section of the post.

But what if I don’t have an audience?”

If you don’t have an audience or following yet, then you can do the following steps.

> Find A Company That Has Your Dream Customers

Although I didn’t cover it here, you should know who your dream customer is.

Who is your course for? Who is it for? Is it for single moms? Newlyweds? E-commerce store owners? Roofing contractors? Self-help authors?

When you know who your potential course customers are, you will have an easier time finding where they are gathered.

One of the surest ways to find where your dream customers are gathered is to get clear on what they are already buying.

If you want to build a course that shows writers how to self-publish a book in 8 weeks or less, then you want to find what writers are already buying.

If you’re a writer yourself, look at the things you buy specifically because of your writing interest.

If you are not your ideal customer, then begin studying your customer and getting to know them.

For the writing example, maybe your customer has purchased courses on writing and how to get better at it, right?

So you could go to places like Udemy and look up “How to write” courses, and go to the creator's profile and dig up their contact information and save it (I’ll show you what to do with this information in a second.)

You could also google, “Writing coaches” and begin making a list of people who help writers refine and craft their skills.

You could then write them asking them if they’d be interested in offering your course to their students, but be sure you show them how your course can enrich the lives of your students.

I’d send the company an email like this:

“Hey there company XYZ.

I see that you teach your students how to write, and as a writer myself I really appreciate what you’re doing.

And I’m writing you because I’d very much like to form a joint venture with you.

I see that you’re the expert at helping writers craft and refine their skills, this I assure leads to a lot of your students having the desire to write a book, but writing a book can be seen as an overwhelming task even for the best of writers.

As a writer who experienced this and is now a bestselling author, I’m thinking of creating a course that can show writers how to write and self-publish a book in as little as 8 weeks.

If I created that and offered it to your students for a discount and split the profits with you, would you be open to checking it out?”

I’d send this to 50 or more companies to see what kind of responses I get.

It takes time, but it’s still a sure way to test the validity of an idea.

Offer the course to the companies and influencers of your dream audience as a way for them to add even more value to their audience and profit from it, and if they bite it’s because they see value in the course itself — validating your idea.

Use this example as it relates to the idea you have right now.

If you get enough responses, at least a 2%-5% yes rate dependent on the list size, then I’d move forward.

Step 2 — Run This Course As A Live Workshop At First

Once you have validated the idea, then it’s time for the next step. Running the workshop.

Before you actually build the course, I recommend running a live workshop on your course, and there are a few reasons why.

  • You can make money from the course before you build it by charging anywhere from $37-$97 to attend.
  • You can get direct feedback from the audience to see where you can tweak and add content to the course to increase its value.
  • You can remove the need to rerecord the course entirely. Sometimes the recording of the workshop itself is packed with value and exceptionally delivers the content — which means you can just sell the recording as the course itself.
  • You can get a list of customers that you can leverage for referrals.

These are some of the reasons why I like to break down the content into a live workshop first.

Sometimes it can be a 1-hour to 2-hour workshop or even a 7-day workshop, and do it virtually.

Make sure you record it so you can use the recording as the course if it hits your standards and you choose to.

How do you promote this workshop though?

Step 3: Put The Course Into A Course Builder

Simple, but important to package your course in a way that people see as a value add.

Once you have the recording of the workshop, or whether you decide to record your record using your phone, webcam, or screen share presentation — these are recommended for zero cost — it’s time to put it into a place that systematically delivers it.

But one of the problems with courses is that only 3% of people complete them, and sure, you can still make good money and sell this thing with that kind of completion rate, but you won’t be having the kind of impact you want.

This is why I like to use Xperiencify to build my courses and systematically deliver them online.

It’s not just any other course hosting platform like Kajabi, Thinkific or Teachable, rather it’s an experience builder.

It allows you to completely gamify the course with game elements that trigger wanted behaviors in your course — like actually engaging with it.

Like leaderboard, surprise rewards, points, badges, and automatic text to get students back on track when they stop going through it and so much more

You also get to build your course and automate the entire experience before you ever have to pay a single dollar to Xperiencify — which allows you to fully test it before you actually start your plan.

So if you want to try them for free tap here to open your free account.

However, whether you use them or not, it’s important that you use a course hosting platform to put this course in so you can deliver it seamlessly without the need for manual work.

Step 4: Use These “Zero Money Needed” Marketing Methods To Sell The Crap Out Of It

Now that you have your course ready to go, it’s time to start selling it.

There are a number of ways you can sell this course without needing any capital for marketing or sales-people and I’ll list those ways from most effective to least effective below.

1.) Use Your Current Email List

If you already have an email list full of people who’ve purchased recent products or read your blog/newsletter, then promoting it directly to them will be the first and probably most effective way to sell your course.

But you don’t just want to blast senseless emails out there, I encourage you to use the “Soap Opera” email technique that Russel Brunson writes about in his book, Traffic Secrets (which I highly recommend).

A soap opera sequence is a series of emails that are designed to build anticipation and keep subscribers engaged over an extended period of time and convert them.

Here are some steps you can follow to write an effective soap opera sequence:

  1. Identify your story: Before you begin writing your soap opera sequence, it’s important to identify the story you want to tell. Consider what message you want to convey and what actions you want your subscribers to take as a result of reading your emails.
  2. Plan your emails: Once you have identified your story, it’s time to plan out your emails. Consider the arc of your story and the key events or milestones you want to include. You should also think about how each email will build upon the previous one and how they will all work together to create a cohesive narrative.
  3. Write your emails: With your plan in place, it’s time to start writing your emails. Use persuasive language to engage your subscribers and keep them interested in your story. Remember to include a clear call to action in each email, encouraging your subscribers to take the desired action.
  4. Test and refine: Before you send your soap opera sequence to your entire email list, it’s a good idea to test it with a small group of subscribers first. This will allow you to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments before sending it to your entire list.

By following these steps, you can write an effective soap opera sequence that will keep your subscribers engaged and encourage them to take action.

You can learn more about writing highly converting sales emails by reading this article here.

2.) Joint Venture With Other Companies

The most cost-effective and worthwhile way to sell a course without any capital is by leveraging other people’s resources (OPR).

When you don’t have the capital for marketing then you want to leverage the most important resource of all as an entrepreneur:


If you’re able to get the attention of the right audience then you will be able to sell your course.

You can get attention for free by joint venturing with other companies.

There are a number of ways you can think through this, and it ultimately comes down to your ability to stretch your imagination.

Below I will list some direct joint venture strategies that you can use to sell your course.

How To Leverage Other People’s Audiences To Sell Your Course

Again, as I said earlier, you should know who your ideal customer is.

Not only that, but you should also know where your customers are shopping already, and find the companies that you have a product/service that is complimentary to yours.

For example, my course helps people get booked on podcasts to sell their coaching, consulting, sessions, and products like books and courses.

So what I do is make a list of companies that certify people in modalities like NLP, hypnotherapy, somatic therapy, and forms of coaching, and then I approach each company with an email like this:

Do you see how I approach them?

I send them an email explaining to them that I can help their students get more clients and build successful careers with the skills they learn from them.

It’s a complete value add, and then I tell him I will make the offer better by offering them 50% of every sale, and I break that down into what that means in actual dollars in revenue.

In this case, I knew how many students they have worked with and the size of their list and calculated how much that would mean to them in sales if only 1% of their list purchased the course I offered them.

I even offer to give them the course for free to test with a few graduates of their program to validate the fact that this course worked.

Pretty hard to turn down, don’t you think?

You can do this for yourself by finding out what kind of companies have customers that can benefit from your product in a way that doesn’t compete with, but rather adds value to their offer — or “compliments” it.

Examples of joint venturing:

A. You have a course that teaches cross-fitters how to naturally rehab their shoulders back to optimal health.

You can make a list of CrossFit companies and email each one of them with an email like this:

“Hi [Name],

I was looking into cross-fit gyms in my area and came across some reviews of your gym, it looks like you guys are doing some great work.

As an avid cross-fitter myself, I appreciate what you’re doing. I also know how common CrossFit injuries can be, and how these injuries can sometimes prevent members from coming back.

So, I’m writing to you because as a lover of the sport, I’d like to help more of your members prevent shoulder injuries.

My name is [name], and I created a course that teaches cross-fitters how to naturally rehab their shoulders back to 100% and prevent further damage without surgery.

I believe that this course would be a valuable resource for the members of your CrossFit gym, as shoulder injuries are common among cross-fitters, and being able to properly rehab and prevent future injuries is crucial for their long-term success and enjoyment of the sport, keeping them as members longer in your gym as well.

I would love the opportunity to discuss the possibility of offering this course to your members and how it can benefit both them and your gym by splitting profits with you.

Is there a time that would be convenient for us to schedule a call to discuss further?

Best regards, [Your Name].

PS: I’m writing to you because I have a course that can help your members prevent shoulder injuries naturally and I’d love to share it with your customers. Can we chat?”

B. You have a course that helps parents learn how to communicate and connect deeper with their children.

I would make a list of homeschools and send each of them an email saying this:

“Hi [Name],

I see that you help parents homeschool their children by offering a full at-home curriculum.

I’m writing you because I have an idea that can help your children in their emotional development, as well as the parents of your students.

My name is [name], and I created a course that teaches parents how to communicate and connect deeper with their children in a way that strengthens the child’s emotional development.

I believe that this course would be a valuable resource for the parents of your homeschool community, as strong communication and connection with children is essential for their emotional and social development.

I would love the opportunity to discuss the possibility of offering this course to your homeschool community and how it can benefit both the parents and the children.

Is there a time that would be convenient for us to schedule a call to discuss further?

[Your name]

PS: I’m writing to you because I have a course that shows parents how to communicate and connect deeper with their children and I’d love to share it with your customers. Can we chat?”

C. You have a course that teaches coaches how to write high-converting email copy so they can sell more of their high-ticket services

You can make a list of ad agencies that ran campaigns for coaching companies and negotiate to market to their list and split the revenue.

I would send them an email like this:

“Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am the creator of a course that teaches coaches how to write high-converting sales emails to sell more of their high-ticket packages.

I believe that this course would be a valuable resource for the clients of your ad agency, as it will help them make more money from their campaigns by learning how to effectively sell their high ticket packages on the backend.

I am interested in exploring the possibility of a joint venture with your ad agency, where we can offer this course to your clients and split the revenue.

I believe that this would be a mutually beneficial partnership as it would allow your clients to increase their revenue and it would also bring in additional revenue for your agency.

Would you be open to discussing this opportunity further? I would be happy to schedule a call at a time that is convenient for you.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

PS: In addition to the revenue-sharing aspect of this partnership, I believe that offering this course to your clients would also help to position your agency as a valuable resource for businesses looking to increase their revenue.

By helping your clients to effectively sell their high ticket packages, you will be demonstrating your commitment to their success and ultimately strengthening your relationships with them.

I believe that this partnership has the potential to be a win-win for both of our businesses.”

Do you get it by now?

Create a list of companies that have your audience and get clear on how your course can offer value to both the customer and the company itself.

Think of what kinds of products and services they buy before, during, and after they would buy your course and then find the companies that sell those products — then hone in on the ones who offer complimentary products and services.

3.) Guest On Podcasts And Other Virtual Stages

Another great way and effective way to sell your course are by guesting on podcasts and other virtual stages in your niche, and this works for a few reasons.

First, podcasts often have a highly engaged and loyal audience.

By appearing as a guest on a popular podcast, you have the opportunity to showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

This can help to build credibility and trust with your audience, which is crucial for making sales, and when you are endorsed by someone your audience follows, they’ll follow you with much more ease.

Second, podcast guest speaking allows you to reach a new and potentially untapped audience.

Podcast listeners are often actively seeking out new information and ideas, making them more receptive to learning about new products or services.

By appearing as a guest on a podcast, you have the opportunity to introduce your course to an audience that may not have otherwise heard about it.

Finally, podcast guest speaking can be a more personal and intimate way to connect with your audience.

Many podcast hosts encourage their guests to share personal stories and experiences, which can help to build a deeper connection with listeners.

This can make it easier to sell your course, as people are more likely to buy from someone they feel they know and trust.

Overall, guest speaking on podcasts can be a powerful way to sell a course and reach a new audience.

By showcasing your expertise, building credibility and trust, and connecting with your audience on a personal level, you can increase your chances of making successful sales.

Hell, I grew my company to 6 figures through podcast guesting, and when done right you don’t have to pay a dime in PR or guest fees.

In fact, I have a course where I show course creators how to sell their course by getting booked on top-ranking shows every week for free — tap here to learn more about it.

You can also use the pitching approach I teach in that course to land guest appearances in masterminds, events, and online summits.

4.) Send Cold Emails To Highly Targeted People

I know this one may come off as unexpected by a lot of people, but cold emails work, especially when they are highly targeted and well-crafted.

I started selling my course by first emailing 30–50 people a day who were highly targeted and would be in a prime position to buy my course.

Remember, my course helps people like authors sell more books by getting booked on 4+ podcasts a week without paying a dime to a PR agency.

So what I would do was go to Amazon and research books in the self-help and business space that were released in the previous 30 days.

I then found the email of the author by simply going to their website and then sending them this cold email.

“Hey [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I came across your upcoming book, [name of book], and by the looks of your experience, I can see that you are great at what you do.

As an avid reader, I wanted to reach out and share something that I think could be really valuable for you.

I recently created a course that shows business authors like you how to sell a lot of books by getting booked on top podcasts every week — without paying a dime for a PR agency.

I know firsthand how powerful podcast appearances can be for driving sales because I made 6 figures in my hypnotherapy business through podcast guesting this year.

So I broke down what I did into a step-by-step course that you can replicate and begin getting booked on shows in as little as 24 hours to market and sell your book.

I believe that business owners would really benefit from your insights and expertise, and this course could be a great way to get your message out to more of them.

I usually sell this course for $497, but I’d like to offer it to you for only $97 right now.

And if you don’t get at least 5 bookings in 30 days I’ll pay you back and you get to keep the course.

If you want I can send a link over so you can learn more about it and purchase it (if you choose to)

Would you like a link to check it out?

Founder of The Power Pitch Company.”

And out of every 20 emails, 2 people would buy — that’s a 10% conversion rate. I could make $1000 a day just doing that.


Because these emails were personally crafted and were presented to the author at the right time.

They had just published their book, now they had to be looking for ways to sell it…right?

Of course, I just happened to have a solution for them.

Highly targeted, the right time for the right person.

You can leverage other email lists or find ways to get the emails of your ideal customer.

5.) Generate Referrals For Your Future Course Using The “Reward Center” Offer

People love rewards, period, and they love them especially when they make their life easier.

You can use what I like to call the “Reward center referral” approach to get your customers to refer other customers.

Once a customer gets get results in your course, offer them a next step course for free in exchange for 5–10 names and emails, and/or phone numbers.

For example, when somebody gets booked on their first 5 shows using our course we send them an automated text that says:

“Congrats on getting booked on your first 5 shows {name}! As a reward, I want to make a special offer.

I have a course that shows you how to build your email list by being featured on guest blogs to really enhance your visibility.

If you send us 5 names and emails of people who can benefit from The Power Pitch course I’ll send it over for free.”

Then 1 out of every 5 buys on average, resulting in more free sales.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, building and selling a course requires careful planning and execution.

By validating your idea through direct feedback from your customers and leveraging joint venture partnerships, cold email campaigns, and referral generation, you can increase your chances of success.

By following the strategies outlined in this article, you can build a course that meets the needs and interests of your target audience and effectively sells it to a wider market.

With resourcefulness and creativity, you can turn your course into a profitable and rewarding venture without breaking the bank to do it, and this is how.

If you liked this article and found it valuable, please do me a favor and share it with somebody you know this can help.

