How to Use Self-Induced “Trances” To Make More Sales

Adrian Moreno
17 min readNov 5, 2022


Here’s an interesting (and effective) way to increase your sales.

Every human being possesses an innate ability to create whatever life they want through proper use of the imagination.

By learning how to use your imagination in a constructive way you can accomplish more goals, create more success, be more creative and live an overall fruitful life.

And yes… you can use it to make more sales!

In fact, the majority of my clients are entrepreneurs and salespeople, and they love learning how to use what I’m about to teach you to make more sales and increase their personal income.

Which itself is a worthy cause. The more money you have, the more people you can help with that money — right?

So today I’ll be showing you how to increase your sales by using self-induced trances.

Now before I lose you on the word ‘trance”, let me explain what it really is.

What The Heck Is A Trance?

A trance is a mental state of absorption to the point where you filter out other physical data.

Trances are actually incredibly normal, and we dip in and out of different kinds of them every single day.

Let me ask you a question:

Are you conscious of the physical sensations in your left foot?

Now you are, but before you likely weren’t.

Why? Because you’re in a state of absorption and your foot isn’t relevant to you right now so you filtered it out.

In other words, you were in a self induced trance

Here are other strong trance inducing activities

1. Dancing

2. Singing

3. Listening to music

4. Showering in warm water

5. Looking into someone’s eyes

6. Visiting the doctor

7. Working on a passionate project

8. Watching a movie

And tons more. All of these things induce a mental state, but they are not mental states.

A trance is the mental state.

You are always in a trance as a result of just being alive.

Your consciousness, which is an extremely vast and powerful energy, has to connect itself to your brain so you can have a physical experience on planet Earth.

That in itself is a strong trance!

The way I get my clients into a trance for a hypnosis session is by having them tilt their eyeballs up and hold that eye position as they close their eyelids down — this triggers rapid eye movement (REM).

REM occurs when the eyes flutter rapidly behind the eyelids, releasing certain chemicals that slows the heart rate down but activates the muscles and the thinking and working memory parts of the brain.

Which is why this state is correlated with the dream state of sleep. Our muscles are activated and we’re having a real psychological (even spiritual) experience during a dream.

When REM is activated during a session with a client they dip from beta, through alpha and down to theta brain waves — the state we experience during an REM sleep cycle.

And today I’ll show you how to activate REM so you can dip into a powerful and creative level of your mind, which will increase your sales #’s more than you can imagine.

So, let’s get started.

But first…

Why Self Induced Traces Are A Powerful Tool For Sales Success

Have you ever wondered why two sales people could have the same script but make massively different levels of income?

I know a top sales coach named Eli Wilde. He once was Tony Robbins top speaker and salesperson for years — selling over $100,000,000 from the stage.

Not only that, but he was far ahead of any salesperson in his organization.

In one month he had 680 sales, and the second best salesperson had 198 sales.

Have you ever wondered, like I have, what catapults some people far past others in their same industry — even with the same scripts?

You can say its tonality, cadence, brevity, rapport or whatever it is — but these are only byproducts of the real cause.

These are external manifestations of something internally, and that something is:

The Self Image

The self image is simply the way you see yourself, or the “image” you hold of yourself.

What do you think about yourself? What do you assume is true about your ability to be successful? What kind of beliefs do you hold about yourself?

These will dictate your thinking and emotional responses to external events.

If you believe that you bad at sales, you will feel insecure in selling situations and those feelings will cause you to stumble on your words, use the wrong tone, fail to connect and flat out bomb the sale.

My friend Eli Wilde had a deep conviction about his ability to influence anybody.

He believed that he had the talent to sell. He believed that he was a record holder — and it produced those results.

His self image was set to produce extraordinary results, and he continues to prove that till this day.

Why am I telling you this?

Because your core beliefs about yourself are going to be the #1 determining factor to the amount of sales you make (or don’t).

Which is exactly why self-induced trances are powerful: they help you change your beliefs and self image with more ease (and much quicker).

The Only Way To Change Your Results

Your beliefs about yourself influence the thoughts you think, these lead to how you feel about yourself, that then leads directly to the way you act, which creates your results.

So change your beliefs about yourself and ability to sell and you will change your results.

Beliefs are thoughts accepted as true, and when we accept a thought as true we begin thinking that thought more and more and “attracting” other similar thoughts that support it.

On a physical level, this creates a cluster of cells known as “Neural-Pathways.”

Neural pathways are created when you think, and they are strengthened the more you think similar thoughts.

They are created through repetition, and we only repeat the thoughts that we assume are true.

So belief is where it starts, and a belief or “stream of thoughts” can be found in the brain as neural-pathways.

If you rewire your neural-pathways, you will rewire your thoughts, emotions and behavior responses — creating entirely new results in your life.

This is the only way to change your external circumstances, including your sales record — is by changing the beliefs, thoughts and emotions that created them.

Trance work, especially when done through the use of REM, is powerful because REM produces a chemical called acetylcholine, the chief neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system.

This is the part of your nervous system that controls muscle contractions, slows the heart rate and activates the thinking, memory and learning centers of the brain.

In other words, this chemical stimulates the nervous system into a full on experience, which is also why acetylcholine can be found in our brains while we are awake.

This is extremely important when it comes to rewiring your neural-pathways, or changing your beliefs.

Enhancing Your Sales Results Through Experience

When people hear “experience,” they may think “Oh, so you’re just telling me to spend more time gaining experience at selling to get better?”

Yes, and no.

I don’t mean physically knocking door to door, cold calling or taking inbound sales calls — I mean closing your eyes and imagining yourself doing these things.

By simply imagining yourself doing these things in a self induced trance, you will activate all of the parts of your autonomic nervous system and brain that are also activated when you are actually engaging in these activities.

But the advantage of merely imagining yourself doing it is the “zero-pressure” and playful attitude towards it, which allows you to be more emotionally vibrant — an important part to changing your beliefs.

The real magic comes in when you use REM to induce a trance, because when you do then you directly release acetylcholine — the chemical that stimulates this “real experience” part of your nervous system and brain.

Which will cause much quicker changes in rewiring of neural-pathways due to the fact that the brain will think it’s actually experiencing you get better.

Self induced trances through REM will automatically activate the parts of your mind and body that are necessary with changing your beliefs, thinking and behavior.

This is a scientific approach to landing more sales.

It’s an exact science just as exact as the science of calculus, and it has laws that cannot fail.

With that all said, let’s dive into how to actually induce a trance and what to do when you’re there that will produce more sales.

Practice #1: The Mental Scorecard

Step 1: Get Into A “Theta-Level” Trance

The first step to using trance work for landing more sales is to first and foremost, get yourself into a “trance” state.

Here’s how to do it.

1. Look up (eye balls only) at your forehead, like you’re trying to look inside of your own forehead.

2. While keeping your eyes balls up, close your eyelids down. This will trigger a fluttering sensation in your eye lids (try it now).

3. Tilt your chin down and picture 10 steps going downward. You should have the sensation or feeling of “looking down” a flight of stairs.

4. Walk down each step repeating: “I’m taking step 9, going deeper. I’m taking step 8, going deeper. I’m taking step 7, going deeper…” all the way down to step one.

5. Once you make it to the bottom of the stairs tell yourself “My eyes are glued shut, sealed shut, locked tight and will get heavier as I try to open them.”

Once you feel the heaviness in your eyes, that’s a clear sign that you are in theta brain waves and a complete state of absorption, then you can relax your eyes.

This is the “trace-like” state I’ve been talking about. A profound level of peace, sharpness and relaxation.

Step 2: Raising Your Emotional Vibration

Having an intense emotion is important to changing your neural-pathways and “emotional charge.”

The more intense the emotion is (good or bad) the more neurons you will activate.

In this case however, we want a positive charge around ourselves and sales, or positive beliefs about ourselves and ability to sell.

In order to create a new belief, attach it to a positive emotion.

The easiest way to do this is to shift your focus on an image that triggers a positive emotion.

Want a super easy tip?

Recall a positive memory!

By recalling a positive memory you recall the emotional experience with it, because pictures create feelings.

Your brain will begin activating all of the same areas that were activated in that exact moment, which will cause the positive emotion to grow stronger and then feed the picture even more — it becomes a ball of positive “momentum.”

Within minutes or even seconds, you will find yourself in a positive emotional experience and vibrating “higher.”

This increases the strength of your magnetic pull.

Step 3: Create Your Internal Sales Tracker

When I say an “internal sales tracker” I don’t mean another digital spreadsheet.

I mean a sales tracker that you create inside of your mind. A mental or “imagined” spreadsheet that you keep clear in your mind.

After steps one and two, create a scorecard in your mind that “measures” your sales.

One like this:

It may take a few days, weeks or even months to get this image super clear in your head, but don’t worry about seeing it too much, just focus on imagining it.

A good way to accelerate the clarity of the image however, is simple.

Just look at your physical sales tracker that you use to actually track your sales and study it for a few minutes. Then close your eyes and bring the image up quickly and pretend your eyes are still open. The picture will be clearer since it’s fresh in your mind.

Remember — the key to making more sales is to be clear on what happens after a successful sales day/week/month and keep that picture in your mind until your mind becomes full of the “money consciousness” that attracts more sales to you.

Now, the next part of step 1 is to begin putting your desired numbers into the sales tracker.

If you want to make 5 sales a week, put a “5” on the column for the week in your mind and imagine yourself looking at that number with the feelings you would feel when you really hit that goal.

Step 4: Realize The Experience

The next step is the most important one: realize it.

This means making this experience as real as possible.

This is very important, and can be argued as the most important part.

You want this mental picture to feel just as real as an external physical experience.

When this happens your autonomic nervous system normalizes the event by creating the emotional body to hold the experience.

Pay attention to all of the details in the picture, this will help get more of your senses involved.

Most importantly, begin feeling how you would feel if that were happening right now… and remember, if you can see it and feel it right now, then it does exist now.

Feel the excitement of a large commission check and deposits coming your way, feel the gratitude and vibrancy of that moment.

If your team celebrates together, imagine everybody celebrating with you and telling you “great job this week/month/quarter.”

The point I am making is to make this as real as humanly possible for yourself, and have fun with it. Make it a positive experience.

Then, take it a step further and visualize what you would do with the money.

Imagine yourself allocating your money into your separate accounts, making investments, buying nice things and donating to meaningful organizations.

See yourself using the money the exact way you would if you had the money right now.

This will continue to give you the “Money Consciousness” I mentioned earlier.

You’ll come to find that when you do this you start feeling better, which then attracts more people to you, giving you more opportunities to close, and you do well because you feel well — you’ll be magnetic.

You will outperform yours and everybody else’s expectations on what is possible in your organization and even industry and everybody will look to you as the example for what is possible.

Step 5: Exercise Emotional Faith

Faith is no idea, it is the science of reality — true faith that is.

I’m not speaking of dogmatic terms, but of ultimate terms.

True faith means to have unwavering trust in the same force that creates gravity.

I say the same because gravity and faith are laws of the universe.

You don’t doubt whether or not you’ll be able to stay on the ground when you walk from one room to another, do you?

No, so why doubt your sales goals in even the slightest way?

When you are clear on the sales you want to make and hold the ideas you wish to manifest in your head with the right attention and energy then the same “stuff” that creates gravity will create those sales.

Have full expectation and certainty in the fact that you have already hit your goals or that they are on their way and it will happen.

It’s impossible for it not to, and you must only focus your attention on your idea and the positive feeling attached to it — not whether or not it is possible.

When my nephew was six or seven he dressed up as a ninja.

To all of us he was just a little kid, but to him he was a real life ninja.

He was walking differently, talking differently, and he was stopping every five minutes to show someone his ninja moves.

There was no doubt in his mind about his conviction in the idea of being a ninja.

This level of expectation is necessary in the process of successfully creating what you want, in sales — and in life.

Practice this by visualizing first something that you are extremely grateful for, whether that be your kids, spouse, friends, or some circumstance in your life and “stir up” the emotion of gratitude.

When the emotion is radiating in your body, then and only then do you picture your mental scorecard.

Ideas become powerful when they are backed by intense emotion, and the most powerful emotion we can attach to a picture is absolute gratitude.

The reason why is because when you are grateful for something, then you are saying “Thank you” in some way, and when do you normally say the words “Thank you” to somebody?

When you are receiving something.

So whenever you are in gratitude, you allow grace, the natural vibration of the universe, to perform through you.

If you’re picturing a specific commission number for the month then feel grateful for the fact that the money is already in a secured bank account awaiting transfer.

Be grateful that you have that money in your possession. And if you think about it, you really do have the money in your possession when you visualize it.

When you visualize you are creating the mental picture in your mind, and you can see clearly, which means it exists right here in this moment — because all thought and emotion is incipient matter.

It’s the initial stage of physical manifestation.

Again, this is not my idea or another philosophy. This is physics.

It’s law.

Practice #2: The Mental Close

Whether you are taking sales calls on the phone, over zoom or in person the reality is the same: you are there to close a deal and make a sale.

Yes, you are adding value to someone’s life, but at the end of the day — sales pros close deals.

One of the most powerful ways to increase your sales skills is by dipping into a theta-level trance and engaging in what is known as mental rehearsal.

(Use step 1 from the practice above to get in Theta brain waves before you do this).

In other words, imagine yourself engaging in a sales call, especially closing the deal.

If there are certain parts in the sales call where you feel weak or not as confident as you’d like to be, then imagine yourself performing how you want to perform in those specific parts of the call.

We all have a natural genius and flow, but when we are nervous and insecure we “block” out that natural flow, making us slip up.

But when you are imagining it as opposed to actually doing it, you’ll notice how easy it is to respond correctly, and that is because there is no pressure.

The key is to successfully practice the responses without any pressure, and then when the pressure actually comes, you’ll find yourself performing even better.

Imagine the prospect throwing every objection imaginable at you as you stand there cool, calm, and collected — responding perfectly and overcoming every single one of them.

Imagine yourself confidently door knocking at getting your way into somebody’s house respectfully, and then connecting so instant with them and making the sale because of it.

Imagine yourself cold calling and grabbing their interest in the first 30 seconds of the call and getting connected to the decision maker.

Or if you sell on stage, imagine yourself nailing your pitch on stage as real as can be and seeing everybody stand up and go to the back of the room to sign up.

Again, the key is to practice the behaviors without any pressure in your imagination over and over again until your brain creates all of the proper neural pathways to make it second nature.

Practice #3: Stepping “Outside” To Connect

Connecting with the prospect is essential when it comes to making a sale.

When the client feels understood and heard, they gain a significant amount of trust towards you, whether they know it or not.

And guess what? You can use self-induced trances to enhance the prospect's connection before the call happens.

Here’s how:

1. Get into a theta level trance (use step one from practice 1 to do this)

2. Create a “mental screen” in front of you.

3. Picture the prospect in front of you — if you know what they look like, picture them.

4. Once the picture is clear, imagine “stepping into” the prospect. Imagine that you are stepping into their shoes, their psyche, and perceiving the world through their eyes.

5. Begin looking at yourself (as the prospect) and viewing how they view you. Your job here is to learn how they think and feel about you, the sales process, the product, the company, and everything in regard to the situation.

Ask yourself,

“Why do I want to buy?”

“Why don’t I want to buy?”

“What am I afraid of happening if I do buy?”

“Who else is there that can solve this problem?”

“Why should I give them my money?”

“How do I feel about the company?”

These questions, through their point of view may reveal some shocking insights that you weren’t aware of before.

6. Step out of their “psyche” and come back into your own and begin looking at the prospect again.

7. Send them feelings of gratitude and appreciation, and communicate that you will certainly render them the best service and provide the best experience.

Then after you’re done saying what you’re saying, picture yourself closing the deal.

8. Come back to full waking awareness by counting back like so:

“On the count of 5, I am becoming more aware of the room and sounds around me. On the count of 4 I am feeling better and better, on the count of 3 I am feeling better, 2 better, 1 better.”

An Extra Note

It’s important that your mentality is one of service and value add. Money only follows that which produces more life. So be of more value than what you are charging them.

Your intention will create your energy and influence your state of “attraction” so to speak — and money loves a positive vibration that is service to others.

In saying 9 of The Gospel of Thomas Yeshua (Jesus) said:

“Once a sower went out

And sowed a handful of seeds.

Some fell on the road,

and were eaten by birds.

Some fell among the thorns,

Which smothered their growth,

and the worms devoured them.

Some fell among the rocks,

and could not take root.

Others fell on fertile ground,

and their fruits grew up towards heaven.”

If we ask for money with seeds of fear, greed or ill intention you will eventually lose it all.

Be with the attitude of More Life. Add More Life to everybody you serve, for money or not.

This mental attitude is a magnet, and you will notice that more and more of your prospects will become clients when you lead with the energy and attitude of More Life.

A Little Challenge

One of the most powerful tools and practices I’ve ever seen done is a “collective trance” done with sales teams.

Here’s how it works:

1. You and your team decide on a revenue target for the month.

2. For 15 minutes a day sit down as a group and focus on the number alone.

Each of you pictures a white screen with a black number on the screen like so:

Just sit there in a theta state and maintain your attention and energy on the number.

Sit there and add the feeling of excitement to it.

Each of you in your own minds remind yourself of an exciting memory during the process to mix the emotion of excitement into the image.

Do this for 60 days as a team, 15 minutes a day and track your sales:

You will see a positive increase in your sales. It will be a tangible jump.

Record your data and then email it to me at

(If you want to see why these trance exercises will work, clear here and read my article: Feelings Create Your Reality, Here’s The Proof.)



Adrian Moreno
Adrian Moreno

Written by Adrian Moreno

Entrepreneurship. Personal Development. Parenting.

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