How To Turn Podcast Guesting Into A Profit Engine

Podcast guesting, or profit guesting?

Adrian Moreno
10 min readNov 12, 2022

When it comes to business, we all know the importance of networking. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

You could lose everything, but if you know the right people…

You can more easily get back on your feet.

So knowing the right people will get you opportunities that wouldn’t have existed otherwise.

And there is an easy way to meet the right people, over and over again.

It’s a great way to get your name and your message out there to a new audience, while also being a great way to build relationships with other influencers in your industry.

It’s also easy to access. Anybody who has something of real value to the world can get opportunities in this space without having to put in loads of money and time.

And that space is the space of Podcasts.

Podcast guesting in particular.

When done right, podcast guesting will become a profit center.

And in this article, we will explore together exactly how to use podcast guesting to do just that.

Why Guesting On Podcasts Will Grow Your Income

Think about it this way: A podcast is like a mini-tv show that you can produce on your own (or with someone else’s help).

And when you guest on a podcast, you get to be the star of the show for that episode.

Why does that matter?

Because over 144 million people (in the US alone) listen to podcasts.

And over 54% of them say they more seriously consider brands advertised to them on podcasts than any other media outlet.

To make it better, of that 144 million, 65% of them make more than $75,000 a year — meaning they have more access to funds to purchase what you have to sell them.

The statistics are on your side here.

And regardless of what you hear, it’s still early and there is plenty of opportunity — if you have an eye for it

Not only do you get to share your message with the world, and share it with a really captivated audience, but you also get to build relationships with other influencers in your industry.

These relationships can easily turn into partnerships that lead to speaking opportunities, new clients, and relationships that create even more opportunities.

The doors are infinite here when you think strategic enough. And that is what this article is all about.

Thinking strategically about podcast guesting, in a way that grows your impact and your business.

In order to do this you have to have the right perspective.

Build An Eye For Opportunity

At the core of building your business using podcast guesting, it’s all about taking advantage of the platform and the relationship-building opportunities that it provides.

This means having an eye for opportunity.

Without that, nothing I’m about to show you will work because you won’t even try, you won’t see the opportunity.

Get into the podcast world.

Start by listening to podcasts, subscribing to relevant ones in your industry, and paying extra attention to who their guests are.

The reason why is that you’ll be able to see when there is an opportunity in the world of podcasting more easily when you’re actually involved in it.

Simple, but being involved with it literally creates more opportunities before your eyes.

Unless you’re like Elon Musk and have endless media outlets reaching out for interviews, you have to create your own opportunities, especially in the beginning.

With that said, let’s get into the strategy of turning podcast guesting into a profit engine.

1. Do Your Research & Know Who Your Audience Is

In order to build a relationship with the right person, you have to be able to connect with them.

This means you want to know who you’re talking to.

Know more than the name of the host.

You want to find the following:

  1. The theme and overall message of their show
  2. Their audience (who actually listens to them? You can find this out on Podmatch.)
  3. Know what kind of topic you can deliver on that helps their audience and is relevant to their show (so when you reach out to them they don’t have to think about the topic, instead you provide it for them.)
  4. What they do for a living (this is a Facebook search away). This helps you discover what kind of resources they can benefit from and how you can help with that.
  5. Their email (use tools like to find it)
  6. If you find their socials, add/follow them and engage with their content.

Again, Podmatch is a great tool to do this research with.

2. Create Your Pitch

Once you know who you’re talking to and you are sure of the specific way you can add value to their audience, you want to begin crafting your pitch.

If you want on the show, you have to give them a reason to be on one. And chances are, they aren’t actively looking for you.

Therefore crafting your pitch will create the opportunity.

As the host of a podcast myself, I get a lot of pitches to be on my show.

And as I’ve stated in my article, “(How I Get Booked On 4+ Podcasts A Week (Without Paying For PR Or Guest Spots),” every single pitch I’ve received has been long text-based emails.

Nobody.. and I mean nobody has thought to send me a video pitch.

This is why I have been using video pitches to get landed on top shows repeatedly, and you can tap here to see how I craft those videos, or “Power Pitches.”

In your pitch, you want to be sure to use their name, tell a story, and make a powerful (and direct) ask to be on their show.

I show people how to craft these pitches in The Power Pitch Program, which you can learn more about here.

3. Make The Pitch

I always separate this step from crafting the pitch, because you should create a very specific pitch for each host you pitch, simply because it’s the surest way to get the best results.

So after (and only after) you’ve crafted your pitch, send it to them.

This is why I said in step one to do your research and dig up their email and social media.

Do this before so that once the pitch is made you can send it directly to them.

I reach out to them on email and social channels, not just one.

If they have an account on Podmatch, I’ll also contact them there.

If you want to get your video opened, make sure your copy is short and clear.

I also teach you how to write these power emails that get videos opened all of the time in the Power Pitch Program.

4. Ask Them How You Can Be A Great Guest

A simple step, but boy does it make you stand out.

Every single time I ask this question the host is grateful that I asked, and many times I hear, “No ones ever asked me that.”

This leaves an impression after you already left one with the video, making it easier to take up real estate in their mind.

Then make sure you ask them how you can make the process easier for them.

Whether that be providing a bio, headshot, even some questions and helping spread the message about the episode by sharing it with your audience.

Again, adding more goodwill to the relationship.

5. Answer Most Questions Through A Story

Most people don’t get this one when I first share it, some even argue that it can make you seem like a guest who likes to talk about themselves.

But the fact of the matter is, human beings are captivated by stories and have been since the beginning of time, using stories and metaphors to pass on information across generations.

Stories do something to us.

They create images in our minds which then pull on the strings of our hearts and generate emotion.

Use your stories and your clients’ stories to highlight your expertise, this will accomplish what we call, “Sell without selling.”

When people hear a story of somebody they relate to, and hear how they were able to overcome similar challenges they feel they can do it too, which inspires them to take action.

And if you’re the one sharing the story, they’ll like take whatever action they need to get in contact with you.

6. Follow Up With The Host

“The fortune is in the follow-up,” they say, and that’s because it’s true.

After your podcast appearance, make sure you follow up with the host to continue to nurture the relationship and build goodwill with them.

As Alex Hormozi says, the goal is to deposit as much goodwill into that relationship.

Thank them for having you on and let them know that you enjoyed the chat.

Then, follow through on any promises that you made during the chat (such as links to resources, social media handles and giveaways for their audience).

Then ask them if there is any possible way you can add value to them specifically, and if not at the moment, make sure you let them know you want them to reach out to you.

If they are in the same city, I encourage you to ask to get lunch or coffee, this will help you establish more of a relationship with them as it’s more personal.

If this isn’t possible, see if a Zoom chat is possible.

7. Have One Specific Link For The Audience To Connect With You

When you deliver well on a podcast, it will be natural for people to reach out to you to ask for help or to just say thank you and connect.

This is why having an easy way for them to do that is important, but a big mistake I see a lot of people making is by listing out every possible way to connect with them after.

“You can find me on Facebook, or Instagram with the handle @___, or my website ____, or you can even get my book.”

When people have too many choices, they don’t take action.

Instead, you want to make it easy for them and give them one link to follow you.

This link should be strategic.

A free e-book download, a free video, or a free template/course/guide that accomplishes two things.

  1. Relates to the topic talked about on the show. For example:

“And if you want to accomplish what I talked about here today, I made a checklist that makes this super easy for you, just go to _____.”

2. Collects their email, phone number, or both.

This is so you can have a way to follow up and create more touch points with them after the fact that nurture the relationship.

You do this by following the next step.

8. Create A Killer Email/SMS Sequence Behind That Download That Upsells Them

Once you get their info, you need to follow up with them with a killer email/SMS sequence that engages them, builds even more trusts, and channels the needs they have that you can meet.

Although I’ve built some successful email sequences, I’m not the best at teaching how to do it, and I wouldn’t classify myself as an expert.

So click here to read an awesome article on how to create awesome follow-up sequences that convert along with templates.

9. Seek Joint Venture Opportunities With The Host

If you have something that the host's audience can benefit from and you’ve already established a relationship with them, there is likely a very valuable partnership for all parties in clear sight.

For example, I have a course, The Power Pitch Program, where I show people how to use video pitches to land 4+ podcast bookings a week.

So if a podcast host has a program where they help people launch podcasts, I’ll ask if they feel like their audience can benefit from learning how to grow their podcast through guesting on other shows — if they say yes I’ll tell them I have a course to help with that.

From there we can create an affiliate deal.

Or if I see the hosts are holding an event in the near future, I’ll ask them if what we talked about on the podcast will add value to that event as well, and see if there are any speaking opportunities.

Seriously consider sponsorship opportunities in these cases as well.

Use these examples to inspire you to come up with your own ideas, or model them where you see fit in your own business.

There are endless opportunities, you just have to have an eye for them.

The Compound Effect

Something worthy to remember is that podcasts can run for years, and many, even when they stop airing leave their episodes up to be found and listened to by anybody interested in them.

So it’s important that you enter this approach with the intention of playing the long game.

It’s like optimizing your site for SEO. It takes time, but when it builds up and begins going, it’s hard to stop.

I still get clients from podcast interviews I’ve done 6+ months ago, so remember that you are planting seeds here, and when done like the way I showed you here, they will grow.


If you want to grow your audience, generate more leads, and get more business then don’t miss out on the tremendous marketing opportunity that podcast guesting is.

Remember, if you want to get booked on top shows do your research, craft a powerful pitch, deliver, and follow-up with the host and the audience using automated email sequences.

And if you want the most bookings possible, make sure you use video pitches to land more bookings.

If you want to learn how to do this, then sign up for my workshop, The Power Pitch Method.

In this workshop, I’ll show you how exactly how I’m getting booked on 5+ podcast bookings a month (using single cold email pitches) and how you can do the same.

Tap here to learn more.

Do you currently use podcast guesting to generate business in a way not listed here?

If so comment below, I’m always looking for ways to maximize podcast guesting!



Adrian Moreno
Adrian Moreno

Written by Adrian Moreno

Entrepreneurship. Personal Development. Parenting.

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