How To 10X Your Email List Through Podcasting (Without Starting One)
Who said you need to have a podcast to benefit from its lead-generating power?
If you’re like me, you want to help a lot of people.
And you also want to make a lot of money.
This is why I’m sharing with you exactly how I’m currently adding new leads to my email list daily.
It works, and anybody who offers real value to the world can easily replicate this process.
But first…
Why Building An Email List Matters
You’re probably wondering: “Why do I need an email list? Isn’t social media where it’s at?”
Well, that’s not exactly true.
Although email marketing is still a major player in the digital marketing world, it’s not as popular as it used to be.
In fact, according to Adestra:
“Email is the most effective online marketing tool for driving consumer purchases.”
This happens because email subscribers tend to be more invested in your brand than fans on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook, they’re more likely to buy products and services from you.
According to an article here, about 6% of your friends on Facebook actually see your content regularly.
Compare that to the 20%–50%+ of people on your list who open and engage with your emails.
Think about it.
You’re more likely to check your email once daily than you are to see a post from somebody specific on any given day.
Plus, what happens if Facebook crashes or your ad account gets disabled?
What happens then?
Having a list is a powerful hedge in this case.
So building it should be a priority in your business regardless of what industry you’re in.
And by building your own list (as opposed to buying one), you’ll have access to valuable data about your customers that can help inform future decisions about how best to deliver value to them…even better.
Unlike other platforms, email subscribers are different. They’re more engaged and they take action on your marketing messages.
Other than having an audience that you can always stay engaged with, there are many reasons email marketing is something you want to do.
- Email marketing is still a major player in the digital marketing world.
- As stated already, Email list subscribers are different than social media fans and followers, they are more engaged.
- Subscribers have already bought into your brand.
- People who opt-in to email lists are more likely to buy products and services from you.
Not having this = a big no-no.
Grow Your Email List With Podcast Guesting
Podcast guesting is one of the best ways to grow your email list.
Podcast shows can get real niche, and as they say, the riches are in the niches.
This is because niche audiences are more engaged and enrolled in the brands they are associated with.
They take more action and buy more from the brand.
Through guesting on a podcast show with an engaged audience in your niche, you collapse the time of getting their audience to know, like, and trust you.
Because the moment you jump on that show and deliver value, that audience will happily follow you.
I know this is true because I’ve been building my email list daily from guesting on other shows every single week.
These leads are free, highly engaged, and convert easier and more frequently than an audience you’re running cold ads to.
Here’s the step-by-step strategy on how you can grow your email list through podcast guesting.
1. Do research to find what shows your audience is listening to and make a list of them
Before you start building an email list from podcasting, you have to get on the right shows.
The right shows mean shows that have already captured the attention of your target market.
Getting on shows is great, but getting featured on shows that your target market listens to brings in customers and clients.
Since I’m a hypnotist and do a lot of mindset work, I don’t ask other mindset coaches to be on their show.
Instead, I spend my time getting booked on business shows, and I angle my pitch to help their audience.
For example, there was a show called ‘Accelerate Your Business Success’ that was all about business systems and strategies.
I approached the host saying I would be able to share a process that would help her audience build and execute the right systems by first showing them how to emotionally handle a successful business.
Do you see how that would be valuable and get the right kind of eyes?
That is what I mean by finding the right podcast.
I go deeper into some research strategies in my blog, “How I Get Booked On 4+ Podcasts A Week (Without A PR Agency).”
2. Dig up the email and socials of the host of the podcast.
Just finding the right podcast to be on isn’t enough, you have to get their direct contact information if you are going to turn it into any kind of opportunity.
I use tools like Podmatch to find their social links and websites, then I use to scrape up their emails.
3. Prepare personalized pitches for each host.
Don’t be a fool and make the big mistake of sending the same exact pitch to each podcast host.
We as human beings can smell through people’s bulls**t.
If you sent a copy and pasted pitch, it’s felt and will be ignored.
Take the time to know each host and craft something personalized for them.
In my course, The Power Pitch Program I show people exactly how I craft pitches that get me booked on top-ranking shows every week with a single cold email.
In the course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating powerful pitches, but keep this in mind when creating these pitches.
- Do the pitch in the form of a video instead of blocks of text.
- Say their name and bring up something relevant.
- Tell a powerful story.
- Make an ask.
4. Send the emails with short and powerful copy that links to a video pitch to stand out.
Your emails shouldn’t be longer than 200 words, mine are only 107.
My emails lead directly to a video pitch that uses the components I shared above.
The copy should be personalized, short, and have a clear ask, and make sure your copy gets them to open your video.
And again, I teach you how to write these emails in the Power Pitch Program.
5. Answer the questions through client stories (and your own.)
It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.
Here’s the thing:
To really get people excited about your message, you need to tell a story.
Unlike general advice and tips, stories are something that everyone can relate to because they’re real — they’re personal — and they’re relatable.
Stories help people connect with your brand by putting a human face on it; they give them an emotional connection that makes them feel like they know and trust you more than they would if they were just reading words on paper or listening to a podcast interview where you were answering questions as quickly as possible.
Stories are also incredibly powerful when it comes to selling your services or products because they make everything more interesting — which means people will pay more attention (and maybe even buy something).
Answering questions on a podcast interview with client stories demonstrate your expertise, highlighting you as someone who can help while captivating the audience through the power of story.
You’ll also have more opportunities to expand on topics and share additional information that is directly related to the question asked and what your potential clients are most interested in learning about.
When hosts ask me, “How do you help entrepreneurs grow their business?” I respond with something like,
“I had a client who came to me because he felt insecure about selling, which was impacting his sales. So I took him through a hypnosis session and afterward he more than doubled his sales in a few weeks. Here’s how hypnosis helped him…”
You see what I mean?
6. Leave the link as a way of contact.
At the end of your podcast interview, the host will likely ask you how the audience can get in touch with you.
Most people make the mistake of listing all of their social links, their websites, and even their own podcasts.
The problem this creates is one of “too many options.”
If you want them to take action, make it easy for them.
Give them one link, one way to get ahold of you, and make sure that link is a valuable opt-in that captures their email, which you’ll need for the next step.
7. Create a killer follow-up sequence to convert the list.
You can’t just capture their email, but instead collect their email so you can follow up with them, nurture them, build more trust and then eventually sell them something.
Most people buy on the follow-up, so follow-up.
A follow-up sequence is one of the most important parts of a successful marketing campaign.
The goal of a follow-up sequence is to turn your website visitors into customers.
There are many different ways to set up a follow-up sequence, but here are some ideas:
Send them a welcome email after they sign up for your list, then send out another email 7 days later with an offer and a link to an eBook or video.
Send them a series of emails over time with helpful resources and tips for using your product or service.
This can be done through drip campaigns or by sending weekly or monthly newsletters.
Ask them what their biggest challenge is and create content based on their answer that solves that problem for them.
Here is a great article on how to build email sequences that convert.
8. Promote your offers and affiliate offers.
Now that they are in your email, and they are nurtured well, they are ready to be asked to buy something.
And trust me, they want to buy something.
Everybody wants to buy stuff, especially when it solves their problems.
So do that…
Solve their problems.
Create your own offers or find people with offers that help your audience accomplish a certain goal and do affiliate deals with them.
This is how you don’t only build a list, but this is how you begin generating revenue from your it.
Here’s how you can promote your own products and affiliate products in an effective manner:
1.) Send out a welcome email: When someone joins your list, send them a welcome message with a link to an opt-in page or a freebie of some kind.
This will help you build trust with them and get them interested in what else you have available for them.
2.) Send regular emails:
Once you’ve built rapport with your subscribers by sending out the welcome message, it’s important to keep sending regular emails that give value but also include links back to where they can purchase whatever you’re offering (either directly from you or through an affiliate link).
If it’s not something that can immediately be purchased, include some sort of lead magnets such as ebooks or a video series so that people can become familiar with what it is that you do and have to offer them.
In Conclusion
Guesting on relevant podcasts in your niche is a great way to build a list fast, with highly qualified leads that are more engaged and more likely to buy from you.
The best part is, these leads are free!
All you have to do is find relevant podcasts in your niche and send video pitches to them asking to be booked on their show.
If you’re consistent with this and do it weekly, you’ll end up being booked on multiple shows per month.
Just make sure you optimize your email marketing campaign so you can get the most out of your new list.
If you want help landing 5+ podcast bookings per month so you can ramp up that email list quickly, tap here: www.thepowerpitch/co.