How I Get Booked On 4+ Podcasts A Week (Without A PR Agency)

Adrian Moreno
11 min readNov 5, 2022


“This is the best pitch I’ve ever received.” — A top .5% podcast host

If I told you that there was a super easy way to get your voice heard by thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people…

Would you want to know what that way is?

Then stick around.

In this article (which is very different from my normal content) I will break down how I’ve been getting booked on top ranking shows like clock-work.

Shows like

  1. Get Authentic with Marques Ogden (Top 1.5%)
  2. Inner Edison By Ed Parcaut (Top 1%)
  3. The Mind Body Business Show with Brian Kelly (Top 1.5%)
  4. Straight Talk No Sugar Added with Neena Perez (Top 1.5%)
  5. Daily Path with Joe Winters Jr. (Top .5%)

And lots more…

So if getting your message & offer out there to the masses is something that makes you excited then this is the article that will be the biggest needle mover in making that happen.

Why You Should Use Podcast Guesting As A Marketing Funnel

Podcast guesting.

Why would you even want to do it?

Well, for starters, In 2021, there were over 2 million active podcasts.

With over 144 million people (in the US alone) listening to podcasts every single month.

To stack on top of that, 66% of podcast listeners earn a minimum of $75,000 a year or more.

Not sexy enough?

Well, 54% of podcast consumers say that they are more likely to consider the brands they hear advertised on podcasts.

In other words, tons of people listen to podcasts.

These people are growth-oriented.

They have the means to invest in themselves.

And when advertised to, they take more action.

If that’s not sexy enough for you then I don’t know what is (other than me of course.)

With that said, let’s get to the juicy part.

The Process To Getting Booked (With A Single Cold Email)

Actually me before I start pitching podcasts.

Now that you’re hot and bothered and are ready to start pitching podcasts, let’s talk about how to actually do it.

Step One: Getting Clear On Who Your Audience Is

I felt I would do you a disservice if I didn’t cover the most fundamental step:

Getting clear on the audience you are targeting.

I know you want to help everybody, but if you don’t know this yet, then here’s a secret that’ll save you tons of time and headaches:

You can’t help everybody.

So don’t try to.

But you can help the most people you possibly can.

So focus on that.

Who is your message for?

Who will benefit the most from your message and your work?

Who can you have the biggest impact on?

And simply, who do you want to work with?

These questions will narrow your focus and make finding the right podcasts much easier.

For example.

I have two audiences.

One is entrepreneurs who are impact and people-focused rather than purely profit-focused (although they do focus on profit.)

The other is parents who love personal growth and want a way to share that with their kids while also deepening their connection and relationship with their children.

Do you see how much easier knowing that makes finding relevant podcasts that will not only amplify my message but actually impact the people who receive the message?

Find out what this is for yourself.

Then and ONLY then do you move on to the next step…

Step 1: Finding The Right Podcast

Now that you know who your audience is, it’s time to begin finding the podcast they are listening to — so you can pitch them better than a major league baseball player.

Me hoping that baseball joke landed.

There are a few easy ways to find podcasts.

Here’s the most obvious ones:

1. Directly ask your audience what their favorite podcasts are.

The effectiveness of this approach depends entirely on the quality, size, and engagement of your current audience.

This was a tip I got from Christine McAllister, the literal queen of podcasting (I’ll be bringing her more up later) and it’s pretty smart.

I didn’t get the best results with this at the time I used it, however, it is a very easy and simple step that you can do right this moment with a Facebook post, IG story, tweet, or email.

Worth a shot.

Just make a Facebook post like this:

2. Go to Facebook groups that are made for podcast guesting.

In the world of Facebook, there are groups for everything.

Like a group that is purely dedicated to posting pictures of people who look like Adam Sandler. Crazy huh?

(Yes, I am in that group…)

This means there are Facebook groups that are dedicated to helping people find podcast guests and get booked on shows.

Here are a few of them I am in:

I’m sure there are more, but these are the ones I’m personally in.

Once you’re in the groups, how do you find the right shows?

It’s simple.

Open up the group, and look on the top right to find the search option.

Type in your keyword or “niche.”

For example, if you want to be featured on a business podcast, look up the word “Business” or “entrepreneur” or something like that.

This will bring up the post in your niche that you can begin pitching.

Save the names of these podcasts on a spreadsheet, along with the podcast links and the personal profile of the person who posted them.

3. Use Google (Of course this made the list.)

I know you may be surprised, but you can find podcasts by using google.

Crazy, I know.

All sarcasm aside, Google is a super easy way that will help you find the right podcasts.

Just google ‘Your Subject + Podcast’

For example,

  • “Entrepreneur podcasts”
  • “Mindset podcast”
  • “Parenting podcast”
  • “Lawyer podcasts”

This phrase has gotten me the best results.

You can also use phrases like

  • “Best podcast for entrepreneurs”
  • “Best podcast for mindset”
  • “Best podcast for parents”
  • “Best podcast for lawyers”

Simple and it works.

5. Use Podmatch to do your research.

This one gets the prize for my absolute favorite.

I’ve gotten phenomenal results using this.

My conversion rate for getting booked is 45% at the moment using this approach.

This is because people literally sign up and pay a monthly fee to use Podmatch for the sole purpose of finding top-notch guests for their show.

People are happily opening up their wallets to find guests here.

They are hungry.

With a simple search, you can dig up treasure in your niche.

Easy, huh?

Begin finding the podcast you want to pitch.

You can find their website, and socials and use the platform. It’s crazy good.

Plus, you got direct access to their inbox, which I’m about to show you what to do with.

There are a handful of platforms that do this as well, but in my opinion, Podmatch has really got it figured out and does it the best.

Now finding podcasts on Podmatch, or any platform, even Google and Facebook isn’t enough.

You want to make sure you get their contact information, especially if you aren’t using platforms like Podmatch to get into direct contact with them.

So make sure you hunt down their email.

Step Two: Creating The Pitch

Let me start by stating the most important rule of marketing:

Nobody cares about you. They only care about what you can do for them.

So if you pitch somebody and make the entire pitch about how great you are then nobody will even finish reading the pitch.

Don’t start the pitch with

“My name is _____ and I help _____ accomplish ____.”

Why? Because the first word out of your mouth is “My.”

In other words, you’re talking about you…right out of the gate.

As host of the Human Being Unleashed podcast I’ve gotten hundreds of pitches from guests trying to be on my show.

And guess what?

Almost all of them started with the format

“Hey Adrian My name is …””

The moment I see this I delete the pitch.

Call me cold, but it’s human nature.

So rethink your pitch, and ask, “What would they want from this email, and how can I communicate that in the first 3–5 words?”

Send the Pitch In The Form Of A Video

As I stated above, as host of the Human Being Unleashed podcast I get countless pitches in my inbox daily.

And the funniest thing is…

Every single one of them is a long text-based email.

Not a single one of them is video.

I find this mind-blowing when 88% of consumers would like to see more videos from brands in 2022. (An increase of 3% from last year.)

The #1 reason my video got watched was that the headline of the email stirred up enough curiosity enough to get opened, and when they opened the email it was powerful enough to get another click.

And the second click happened because the copy eluded to a video that I made just for them.

Not used to getting videos, they pressed play.

But how do you create a video powerful enough to turn you from a complete stranger to a firm and resounding “Yes”?

How To Make A Powerful Video Pitch

If you want to get people to act, you have to know what drives human behavior.

And what drives human behavior is emotion.

Once you know this, the next step makes sense.

Tell a story.

Stories enroll people in an emotional experience because they create pictures in our minds.

Since we are visual beings, images strongly influence what we do or don’t do.

If you are a vegan, the image of meat is so gross that you don’t even have a desire for it.

If you imagine squeezing the juice of a lemon onto your tongue and begin having your mouth salivate almost immediately.

Physical matter follows images in the mind.

Therefore it’s the images held in the mind that drive the emotion, then it’s the emotion that drives the behavior.

So stories are the best way to go if you’re going to pull someone in from start to finish.

They create “mental movies” in people’s minds.

Therefore formulating your story, and fitting it into a 1–2 minute window, is key to getting a lot of bookings.

I call this your Power Story, and I teach you how to write one in my course, The Power Pitch Program.

However, below I am going to break down the overall structure of the power pitch.

The Structure Of The Power Pitch

1. Connect

Don’t actually ask this though.

Before you go into explaining how you can add value to them and their audience, connect with the host.

Find some way to relate to a recent episode or the overall theme of the show.

Be very specific in this part as it will make or break the pitch.

2. Introduce Yourself Through Story (In A Way That Demonstrates Your Expertise)

After and only after you connect, introduce yourself, and do it through a story.

For example,

“My name is Adrian and my life was deeply impacted when I was a young boy who got made fun of because I couldn’t pronounce words correctly.”

Do you feel the difference between that and, “My name is Adrian and I help people overcome doubts and fears so they can be successful?”

Find a way to get them emotionally invested into why you do what you do before you tell them what you do.

This will get them emotionally invested.

After this, you tell them what you do and how it can help their audience (and be sure you know their audience)

When this happens you can easily do the next step.

3. Make The Ask

Now that you got them emotionally invested, they are ready to be asked to do something.

Just ask them directly whether or not they want to have you on their show, but do it in a way that is a win-win.

Again, you can learn how to craft your own power story here in The Power Pitch Program.

A Sure-Fire Way To Stand Out

Trust me when I say you will stand out from the stack of pitches that are flooding the inbox of the podcast host you are pitching.

As I said before, everybody and their mama sends boring emails full of text and no video.

Videos add a more personal touch and you can transfer your energy over much more easily than text.

You can use tone, cadence, pauses, and body language to your advantage when communicating your message, making the pitch tremendously better.

And lastly, hardly anybody does this when pitching a podcast.

So you’ll win more than they do. Guaranteed.

In Conclusion

Guest podcasting is a phenomenal way to get your message out there and amplify your impact.

One episode can hit millions of listeners’ ears.

Which can be life-changing for you and your business.

And from my own experience, I can confidently say that video pitches are far better than text pitches, meaning they get much better results.

Using video pitches I’m about to land 4+ podcast bookings a week without having to pay for expensive PR or guest slot fees.

In a video pitch, you have the opportunity to show who you are as a person rather than just relying on your written words to make an impression.

Video also allows you to build trust with potential customers or clients more quickly because they can see you , hear your voice, and get a sense for your energy and enthusiasm which is often lost in translation when reading text online.

In our fast-paced society where we are constantly inundated with information, people are more likely to watch a short video than read through paragraphs of text

However, include a powerful story in the video pitch and watch those bookings begin to flood in.

If you want to see exactly how I build the video pitches that get me booked on top-ranked shows every single week, tap here.

I encourage you to give it shot — what do you have to lose? Let me know how it goes or if you have any questions at all by leaving a comment below.

I hope this helped.

