You ever question your worth, even though you know you are more than good enough?

This was a common feeling my whole life. Growing up I struggled to say certain words. Anything with an "S" or "R" sound would make me sound funny... This made me feel like something was wrong with me. I felt like I wasn’t good enough because I couldn't talk like the other kids. Although I had great parents – I still felt unworthy of fully being loved because I thought I was too different. I always felt like an outsider, and like nobody really understood or accepted me. Around 12 years I started desiring a lot of money. I wanted desperately to become successful because I wanted to be “good” at something for once. I kind of always thought that if I did then I’d finally be loved or important. Then in my early twenties I reached a level of financial success, but instead of feeling loved… I felt even more depleted and lost. I felt like I was “in over my head.” I found myself inside a self-made prison of anxiety, fear, and doubts. I felt alone throughout this entire time. Unfortunately, this is an all too familiar feeling for people all over the world, starting from childhood.

After successfully using hypnosis to help hundreds of people overcome depression, anxiety and insecurities I saw that in every single case the problems started in child hood.

After seeing this pattern, my business partner and I set out to prevent these issues from happening in the first place by empowering children with the mental and emotional skills most of us desperately needed growing up.

Now I spend my time writing and building my company Zamio - A "Mindvalley" for kids, with the mission of eradicating suicide from this planet.

By reading and sharing my work you bring us that much closer to realizing our life long mission.

Connect with Adrian Moreno